Basically there are 6 different kinds of loose leaf tea: Black, Green, White, Oolong, Pu-erh, and Herbal Tea. Most of these 6 types of tea are used as a foundation for different mixtures. Depending on what you mix with these bases may produce different results. Note that each tea has to be steeped for a different amount of time.
Lets start with black tea. Black tea leaves come from smaller trees and are more oxidized. This results typically in a more caffeinated in result. Black tea is much stronger in taste than the others. Black tea along contains polyphenols, a type of antioxidant. Black tea has been found to decrease cardiovascular diseases.
Black Tea Leaves
Green tea origins come from china and has become the tea of choice for Asian countries. Western countries have recently added green tea to many widely popular drinks (mostly as a marketing ploy). Green tea is mild and can be mixed with many other spices or additives. Studies show that dude to the low amounts of caffeine and polyphenols green tea can increase your metabolic rate by 4%. Green teas do not need a much time when steeping.
White tea is primarily harvested in China. White tea is also mild and has not been oxidized as much as black tea. The chemical compositions in white tea often enough overlap green tea. This is due to the fact that both white and green come from different strains of Camellia sinensis plant. White tea has been found to reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, and improve the function of blood vessels.
Overall tea is a fantastic and healthy way to intake liquid. Its soothing, calm, warm, and good for you. You can even replace your cup of coffee in the morning with a cup of tea. They both have caffeine – but tea has far less calories and will never turn your teeth yellow. Try it sometime. Head on over to a Teavana or your local tea shop. You may be surprised by what you find.